Destiny is our very first European import girl from
D.O.B  07/02/2012
Seal Lynx Rosetted Charcoal Female
Destiny is our stunning new import from the Czech Republic, we have been looking for a charcoal seal lynx point kitten for a long while without success. So we have to give a massive thank you to Michaela from Sumarum Bengals for offering this amazing girl to us. Destiny will be the answer to our dreams of breeding charcoal kittens. She has great type with stunning large sapphire blue eyes, good ear placement, strong chin and perfect profile. Her coat is like silk, so soft to the touch and covered in glitter. She is extremely beautiful with her gorgeous charcoal mask and also has a very sweet and friendly nature, always purring and wanting to play. Destiny comes from very healthy lines with parents and grandparents all still testing HCM negative to date.
Destiny is PK-Def N/N and currently HCM Negative 19.04.2014